Blood Pressure Check

Get your FREE Blood Pressure Check at RJ’s Pharmacy

No need to make an appointment.

1 in 5 adults over 35 in the UK suffer from hypertension. 10% of men have high blood pressure (hypertension) but are not receiving treatment and a further 13% are currently being treated – but because of inadequate treatment – half of these men still have significant hypertension.

Hypertension is caused by an increased resistance in the small arteries of the body to the blood being pumped out by the heart. High blood pressure is seldom found in isolation – but it tends to work with other risk factors such as a poor diet, smoking, obesity, diabetes and a lack of exercise. Taking control of these factors is essential to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Our staff will test blood pressure, can test for diabetes and Body Mass Index (BMI) and if the patient is found to have a positive result for diabetes or there is any other cause for concern our pharmacists will refer the patient to their GP.

Price: FREE

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